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the winter detox juice

Green Juice

As the weather gets colder our bodies naturally start to crave unhealthier calorific foods as a way to insulate our bodies and keep us warmer. When we feel cold our internal temperature drops and our bodies burn more calories to fight the coldness. Naturally, and often subconsciously, we then reach for high calorie snacks and drinks that will help us to warm up again. As a result, during the winter months we tend to put on weight from eating unhealthier processed foods and end up feeling sluggish and extra tired.

There is a way to avoid this tendency, and that is by being prepared. Make a juice for the day ahead so that when you feel that twang of hunger you can reach for a healthy juice instead of unhealthy snacks. 

This Winter Detox Juice recipe is a perfect go-to for giving your body a cleanse through, especially when drank regularly. Thanks to the tasty mix of apples, celery, kale, parsley, cucumber and ginger, this refreshing juice will revitalise and help purge away toxins throughout your body. Packed with potassium, fibre, magnesium, manganese, vitamins A, C, K, vitamins B3 and B6 you can be assured that you’re getting an immense amount of goodness needed to help you get through your busy day. 

Give this delicious recipe a try and let it warm your cockles on the winter mornings to come!

Winter Detox Juice

Green Smoothie

Ingredients (for 2 - 3):

🥄 4-6 leaves of kale
🥄 1/2 cup of parsley leaves
🥄 6 sticks of celery
🥄 2 cucumbers (large if possible)
🥄 2 apples (medium/average sized)
🥄 1-2 inch piece of ginger (diced into 2cm pieces) 


We used the JE7C juicer for this recipe. It has two speed settings: one for soft leafy ingredients, and one for the firmer ones.
Before starting ensure your juicer is clean and ready to use. Plug in and switch on at the plug.

1. Wash all ingredients under the running water
2. Insert the kale into the feed chute and switch on to speed 1.
3. Once the kale has been worked through, add the parsley.
4. Once the parsley has been juiced, turn up the speed dial to speed 2.
5. Add the celery sticks one by one, then add the cucumbers one at a time.
6. Next, add the apples one after the other and lastly, add the ginger pieces.
8. When all of the ingredients have been juiced through, turn off the juicer.  

Give your juice a little stir and serve. Your delicious freshly squeezed juice is ready to drink! And if you have too much, why not bottle up another portion and take along with you for later in the day?

We tried this recipe ourselves - take a look at the video below to see how it came out!

Explore our range of juicers